Ananta Roosens & Mostafa Taleb
Both Mostafa Taleb on the Iranian kamanche and Ananta Roosens on the western violin try to ignore their cultural heritage and they put their instruments next to each other: from there they question what is left over, whether both musical entities could go along, or maybe not? Regardless their different geographical and cultural backgrounds they seem to have surprisingly more in common than they have differences. A refreshing exercise for the openness of the mind where mutual trust and appreciation are probably the main factors on this journey.
By frequently exchanging ideas, they connect to each other’s uniqueness and give space to their conscience to continue to develop.
Their music is mainly improvised and based on mutual interactions and the knowledge of each other’s musical languages, rather than working with defined structures and figures;
playing as if the day of tomorrow doesn’t exist…
Mostafa Taleb – Iranian kamancheh
Ananta Roosens – violin