Andrea Piccioni
“An absolute master of frame drums” – MUSICA JAZZ MAGAZINE
Andrea Piccioni, a native of Rome, is a master performer on frame drums. After mastering the Italian tamburello, Andrea studied frame drum rhythms and performance techniques from the Middle East, India, North Africa, and Central Asia, crossing with his style the boundaries of jazz, world, and early music.
In parallel he’s a popular teacher at major festivals, universities and conservatories around the world as well. Andrea published DVDs and books dealing with the Italian frame drums and rhythm language. Andrea is since 2020 professor of Frame Drums class at the Conservatory of Catanzaro, IT.
He is touring worldwide with artists such as Bobby McFerrin, Paul McCandless, Riccardo Tesi, Gianluigi Trovesi, Sanubar Tursun, Basel Rajoub, Luciano Biondini, Les Haulz et Les Bas, Aga Khan Ensemble, Manfred Leuchter, Lucilla Galeazzi, Masters of Frame Drums, Caitrìona O’Leary, Donàl Lunny, Wu Man.