Jennifer Blanco – Feldenkrais Workshop: Awareness Through Movement
Feldenkrais Workshop – Awareness Through Movement
This workshop is aimed at individuals interested in increasing awareness, improving posture, preventing and recovering from injury, reducing pain, changing inefficient habits, releasing tension, feeling more grounded and embodied, gaining spontaneity, moving with greater ease and acquiring self-knowledge. It’s also aimed at actors, dancers, musicians and other artists interested in improving skills and deepening their practice.
What is Feldenkrais?
The Feldenkrais Method® is a form of somatic education that uses touch, movement and directed attention to restore wellbeing and healthy functioning. The method enables you to become aware of habitual neuromuscular patterns and rigidities and learn to move in new ways, increasing range of motion and improving flexibility and coordination.
It’s offers two modalities: Functional Integration® (private sessions) and Awareness Through Movement® (group classes).
In this workshop you will experience a variety of Awareness Through Movement® lessons and you will also have the chance to schedule private sessions of Functional Integration® with Jennifer Blanco outside workshop hours.
Awareness Through Movement®
In Awareness Through Movement® lessons students are led through precisely structured movement sequences that involve thinking, sensing, moving, feeling and imagining. By increasing awareness, you will learn to abandon habitual patterns of movement and develop new alternatives, resulting in improved flexibility and coordination. Many lessons are based on developmental movements and ordinary functional activities. Others are based on more abstract explorations of joint, muscle and postural relationships.
About the instructor
Jennifer Blanco is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner with a background in acting, dance and music and a degree in Film and Television Production. Her interest in further understanding how movement could be used to improve and develop performance skills led her to become a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner. She is currently teaching Awareness Through Movement (ATM) and Functional Integration (FI) to actors, dancers and people interested in learning and developing through movement. The Feldenkrais training program she graduated from is accredited by the European and Israeli Training and Accreditation Board (EuroTab) and she’s a professional member of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America (FGNA).
She’s fluent in English, Spanish, German and Catalonian.
Hourly Schedule
Workshop Day 1
- 10:00 - 13:00
- morning session
- 15:00 - 18:00
- afternoon session
Workshop Day 2
- 10:00 - 13:00
- morning session
- 15:00 - 18:00
- afternoon session