
Farid Kheradmand standing with a Tombak


Farid Kheradmand (born 1975 in Tehran) has been actively engaged in the field of Iranian classical music for nearly three decades as a professional Tombak, Dayereh, Bendir, and Setar player, teacher, composer, and researcher. He began his musical path by studying both classical and contemporary styles of playing Tombak and Setâr, as well as delving into the intricate repertoire of Qâjâr era music (the Radif). Over time, he expanded his musical horizons by immersing himself in the pre-Qâjâr era music in Iran as well as Shash-maqâm repertoire of Central Asia. Throughout his educational journey, he has had the privilege of receiving wisdom and guidance from celebrated musicians. Notable among these mentors are Djamchid Chemirani, Jean During, Arash Mohafez, Majid Kiani, Jamshid Mohebbi, Ali Bayâni, Daryush Talâi, and Abdolwali Abdorashidov.

Farid employs a unique teaching method that combines singing traditional Iranian Tasnifs (equivalent to ballads) with percussion accompaniment, effortlessly instilling a deep sense of rhythm in his students. This approach trains musicians in singing Iranian music from the Qâjâr and pre-Qâjâr eras, as well as related traditions, including Arab, Turkish, and Central Asian music.

It enables them to accompany Arabic Muwashshahat, Ottoman compositions such as Kâr and Naqsh, and Central Asian Nasr with rhythmic precision while singing simultaneously. This method ensures a profound mastery of rhythm

Research and Publications:

Collected and teaching over 150 Iranian Tasnifs from the Qâjâr and pre-Qâjâr eras, integrating percussion accompaniment for a deeper rhythmic understanding.

Conducted research on ancient music treatises—from Farabi to Safi al-Din al-Urmawi and Maraqi to the present—to develop a rhythmic-metric theoretical system for Iranian-Arabic-Turkish music.

Conducted practical research on the Setar playing method of Master Abolhasan Saba, the greatest Setar player, and revived his distinctive style.

Sepehrkhani Music Album: A musical project that blends the ancient Marvegi tradition from Central Asia with Iranian musical heritage. The performance of this project won first prize at the Mugham Music Festival in Azerbaijan in 2011.

Khojasté Music Album: Composed music based on Central Asian and Ajamlar modes, inspired by a musical field research trip to Tajikistan.

Daramad-e Dovvom music album – Collaboration: A collection of compositions by Jean During, based on pre-Qâjâr Iranian modes, fused with rhythms from neighboring cultures.

Ajmaler and Neyshâbur music albums – Collaboration: Partnered with Arash Mohafez to revive pre-Qajar music, drawing from ancient manuscripts by Ufki, Cantemir, and Kowsari..

Published and reinterpreted Hossein Tehrani’s Tombak instruction method, established as a foundational reference for Tombak education in Iran.

Published the Tombak Method by Djamchid Chemirani, the culmination of four years of living and working alongside the master. This latest work will soon be released in French by the Seiyr Music Institute.